
Thursday, March 29, 2007

PS2: Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix+ released today

For all those Kingdom Hearts (KH) fanatics out there... we begin our rejoicing, as Square-Enix (SE) release one of their hottest franchise TODAY!

It's been a year since SE released Kingdom Hearts II, although the game was good but a lot of question arises as the story plot was not very elaborate and left us hanging as what happen in between KH:CoM and KH2 or Chain of Memories. but our beloved Tetsuya Nomura was kind hearted enough to release a "Revamp/Extended" of KH2, which is Kingdom Hearts:Final Mix+! If you are one of those KH die hard fans then you would know what Final Mix means, and for those who's familiar with the term, then let me explain..... Final Mix version contains additional scenes, moves, weapons and items to the game which was not included in the original version, or we can say it is sort of a Bonus Edition. But one thing for sure 'bout Final Mix versions is that it contain a secret ending which hints a sequel or so...

Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix+ is bundled with 2-Discs, Disc 1 is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix while Disc 2 contains Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories (RE:CoM), CoM was originally released in GameBoy Advance system and served as a bridge as what happned between KH1 and KH2 and was rendered in only 2D graphics. What's included in each game Disc?

Official Box Art:

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Disc 1: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

~ Special Scenes

  • Additional scenes 'bout the Organization XIII.
~Puzzle Mode
  • Nomura added his illustrations into Puzzle Mode.
  • Essential for unlocking the secret ending.
~New Enemies
~New Keyblades
~Mushroom Heartless return

~New Limits
~New Forms
~New Weapons
~Roxas battle added
~More Organization Member Battle added
Secret movie remade
~New Areas to Explore
~New Crown Accessory for Sora
~New Costume for Christmas Town
~New Mini games added in 100 Acre Woods
~New Abilities
~New Difficulty Mode: Critical Mode
~Theatre Mode Added

Disc 2: Re:Chain of Memories (Re stands for Remake)

~New 3D graphics
~New techniques for Card Battles
~New Stock Technique
~Bigger Maps
~Duel Mode for Riku
~KHII's Reaction commands system

~New Cards and boss battles
~New scenes and previous scenes are fully voiced in Japanese
~Save data affects Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix

All these were included in the bundle, but unfortunately... it's mostly in Japanese! (Damn SE!) Hopefully it'll be ported into US region... SOON!

Medias/Videos about the KH2:FM+

Card Battle in Re:CoM

For your Tidbits... 10 Million KH Copies sold worldwide before the release of KH2:FM+

* KINGDOM HEARTS (September 1st, 2002, PlayStation 2)

-Japan: Over 1.5 million

–North America: Over 3.0 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 1.1 million

* KINGDOM HEARTS: Chain of Memories (Game Boy Advance)

-Japan: Over 0.4 million

–North America: Over 0.9 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 0.2 million

* KINGDOM HEARTS II (PlayStation 2)

-Japan: Over 1.1 million

–North America: Over 1.7 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 0.7 million

*Sales date from

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