
Sunday, August 19, 2007

OBJECTION! The Phoenix Wright's Way...

Ever wondered what game to play on your DS lite?

Here's one of my recommendation... Phoenix Wright series!

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Ok, so you may think it's boring since it is a text-based "court room" adventure. But there's always a saying goes like "....don't judge the book by it's cover." >_<
Here's my breakdown of the gameplay review for each category:
Story - 10/10
Sound - 7/10
Gameplay - 8/10
Graphics - 7/10

Overall - 32/40

So what are you still waiting now? GO get yourself a copy of the game pronto!! Capische? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Porta Gamer!

Remember 'bout my post regarding DS? 
Well... I'm happy to say I'll be posting one about PSP soon.. 'coz i finally bought myself one!  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Anyway, attached below are my "porta consoles"...... hehe

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I gotta update my Supercard to slot-1 series...
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I'm still currently exploring and researching the "vast" uses of PSP... will update once i'm ready hehe

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Downfall of pRO

Philippine Ragnarok Online a.k.a pRO was one of the 1st mmorpg introduced in the country and was easily loved by the locals due to it's anime-ish graphics and LOTR (Lord of the Ring) job classes. The game was a BOOM in 2003 when it was first released, hauling more than 10k players in Chaos server in it's open beta season. But the craze didn't stop there.... when it officially goes commercial it also introduced 2 new servers, Loki and Iris (Actually Iris was released after 1 month prior to the launch of Loki.), to avoid major traffic LUG (Level Up Games) introduced 3 more servers to the family of pRO, Sarah, Lydia, and Odin. 

But as more servers were introduced, players are gettin' greedy and more corrupted. The official downfall of pRO started here, where Bots were starting to spawn from minimal to uncontrollable! Almost 80% of the gamer population were bots. and people wants to acquire their dream items the easy way, so PHP-selling or real money trade was born too. Alas... what will become of pRO? Well, we'll pretty much see the big picture soon.

Players started to change their game of choice as other companies introducing new mmo games, while others quit the pRO scenario due to the company's negligence and poor customer support. Hacked accounts were not compensated until recently.

With the recent rollbacks of items and DUPEs (Duplication of in-game Items) that was causing a haox within the pRO community, this when it reached it's final toll. I personally will quit the game within this year as I begin to switch to Granado Espada, a new game that is fresh and has a cheerful community compared to pRO's dark black society. 

Sad to say that the once ever popular pRO is seeing it's end, although not very soon yet.... but it's going that way. Therefore I bid farewell my beloved pRO. Thanks for making part of my memory. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Minor Hiatus.....

Sorry for not posting anything here for the past few days... rather... weeks! was busy with my work and didn't have anytime for any updates.. >_<

Anyway, i'll be back online for the upcoming days.. watch out!


Friday, April 6, 2007

Nintendo Old HQ Vidz

Ever wonder about Nintendo or Ninty's history? Just watch the video below:

Nintendo Museum in Osaka

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Nintendo DS: Hack 1-2-3?

For those who are not familiar with Nintendo DS....

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DS stands for Dual Screen! the handheld console includes a Touch Screen, impressive 3D rendered graphics and ultra-bright screens, Nintendo DS Lite delivers cutting-edge portable games for fans of any genre. Plus, you can connect wirelessly to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and challenge players around the world.

anyway, for those who can't really afford DS Cartridges (which usually cost 2.5k pesos here in the philippines).. there's a better solution, use hack cards! which can enable you to download the ROMs and play it with your DS!!


well, since i'm in a good mood to talk..

Buy yourself a Nintendo DS Lite!
Why? 'coz the lite version a lot lighter than it's "phat" predecessor! and you can adjust 4 levels of brightness (the 4th level could "literalily" blind your eyes if you're exposed to it for a long time...)

Purchase Hack cards! there are actually lot's of cards available.. but it's up to your choice. But at the top of my list I'd go for Supercard series, 'coz i own one and it's stable enough to run almost all games. you can visit

You need links to download DS ROMs for you able to play the games!! here are the available links that I happen to have~

Research and explore both your DS and net for more infos bout Homebrews and it's capabilities!!

So I'm getting pretty lazy to finish this post..... I'll split the topic into parts for now! And just let me know if you find this post useful or not! XD

By the way, you can visit for more infos bout DS and Hacks~


Sunday, April 1, 2007

How to be an EMO!... yeah right.... /swt

Just watched this rather "informational" clip on youtube.. and for some reason i LIKED it!! DAI-SUKI-DESU~ hehe

Just watch the whole video and take note at the end.. (Is it true?)


Friday, March 30, 2007

New Info for pRO Server Merge this coming April 25,2007

Waukster has posted some relevant news and infos 'bout the upcoming server merge in pRO, and he has confirmed that it will happen on April 25, 2007!

pRO server merge info (regarding Char slots and Kafra storage)

Check his site at

Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Secret Ending Revealed!!

ok.. so this may not be the best quality available, but heck who cares?! the fighting scene's wicked!! and "Roxas" (highlight to view spoiler) is in it too!!

The video below is a compilation of both secret ending of KH2 and KH2:FM

Thursday, March 29, 2007

PS2: Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix+ released today

For all those Kingdom Hearts (KH) fanatics out there... we begin our rejoicing, as Square-Enix (SE) release one of their hottest franchise TODAY!

It's been a year since SE released Kingdom Hearts II, although the game was good but a lot of question arises as the story plot was not very elaborate and left us hanging as what happen in between KH:CoM and KH2 or Chain of Memories. but our beloved Tetsuya Nomura was kind hearted enough to release a "Revamp/Extended" of KH2, which is Kingdom Hearts:Final Mix+! If you are one of those KH die hard fans then you would know what Final Mix means, and for those who's familiar with the term, then let me explain..... Final Mix version contains additional scenes, moves, weapons and items to the game which was not included in the original version, or we can say it is sort of a Bonus Edition. But one thing for sure 'bout Final Mix versions is that it contain a secret ending which hints a sequel or so...

Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix+ is bundled with 2-Discs, Disc 1 is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix while Disc 2 contains Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories (RE:CoM), CoM was originally released in GameBoy Advance system and served as a bridge as what happned between KH1 and KH2 and was rendered in only 2D graphics. What's included in each game Disc?

Official Box Art:

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Disc 1: Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

~ Special Scenes

  • Additional scenes 'bout the Organization XIII.
~Puzzle Mode
  • Nomura added his illustrations into Puzzle Mode.
  • Essential for unlocking the secret ending.
~New Enemies
~New Keyblades
~Mushroom Heartless return

~New Limits
~New Forms
~New Weapons
~Roxas battle added
~More Organization Member Battle added
Secret movie remade
~New Areas to Explore
~New Crown Accessory for Sora
~New Costume for Christmas Town
~New Mini games added in 100 Acre Woods
~New Abilities
~New Difficulty Mode: Critical Mode
~Theatre Mode Added

Disc 2: Re:Chain of Memories (Re stands for Remake)

~New 3D graphics
~New techniques for Card Battles
~New Stock Technique
~Bigger Maps
~Duel Mode for Riku
~KHII's Reaction commands system

~New Cards and boss battles
~New scenes and previous scenes are fully voiced in Japanese
~Save data affects Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix

All these were included in the bundle, but unfortunately... it's mostly in Japanese! (Damn SE!) Hopefully it'll be ported into US region... SOON!

Medias/Videos about the KH2:FM+

Card Battle in Re:CoM

For your Tidbits... 10 Million KH Copies sold worldwide before the release of KH2:FM+

* KINGDOM HEARTS (September 1st, 2002, PlayStation 2)

-Japan: Over 1.5 million

–North America: Over 3.0 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 1.1 million

* KINGDOM HEARTS: Chain of Memories (Game Boy Advance)

-Japan: Over 0.4 million

–North America: Over 0.9 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 0.2 million

* KINGDOM HEARTS II (PlayStation 2)

-Japan: Over 1.1 million

–North America: Over 1.7 million

–Europe and PAL: Over 0.7 million

*Sales date from


Welcome to all!!

I'll be updating news and rumors 'bout Nintendo DS, PS3, and MMORPGs. Just stay tuned for any updates. thanks for dropping by..... see you soon

and thank you waukster for motivating me to publish my own blog!! >_<